Friday, August 19, 2016

Farm wife- who defines your title

Farm wife
There are some blog posts circulating trying to define a 'farm wife's' role. One in particular put a negative spin on it. Really? First just let me say that only a woman who will take on that title should be the one defining her role as a farm wife. Who defines the 'mother' title? That's right it's not a mold or textbook definition. It's personal. No, we don't do it alone we have to have a support system that helps us just like any other title. Just remember no matter what your title is in life, it's yours, own it.
I'm thankful for the rural sisterhood of women involved in agriculture that support my story & title in life.
Here's some positive insight to the title. Elizabeth at The Rural Sisterhood with the help of many others that have a part in the 'farm wife' title show how diverse the title & role really are with these descriptions.

Thanks Elizabeth for putting this together.
Don't be afraid to tell your story that defines your title whatever it might be.

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